Thursday, September 24, 2009

Why I am taking にほんごのクラス

I decided to take Japanese last spring for a couple different reasons. One, I need to choose a language in order to fulfill the language requirement at my school. Everyone else I know decided to take either Spanish, French, or Chinese. I could've continued with Spanish, but I decided I wanted to try something new. First semester I took French, but had to drop the class because it conflicted with one of my classes that I really wanted to take. Instead of taking it again second semester, I decided to take something else. My choices were Chinese and Japanese. I decided on Japanese because I want to go to Tokyo eventually, and it might help if I can at least ask if someone can speak English in the vicinity.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


こんにちわ。わたしはナイラロビンソンです。アメリカからきました。わたしはコロンビアだいがくのがくせいです。わたしのせんこうはフィルムのしんぢがっ こです。スポーツがすきです。バレーボールをします。ダンソをします。ダンスがたくさんすいです。おんがくがたくさんすきです。ヒップホップのジャズがた くさんすきです。わたしはえいがをたくさんみます。わたしのたんじょびは11がつ9にちです。どうぞよろしくおねがいします。